Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I don't get it...

How many of us have heard that before when trying to explain the parade to an outsider? Seriously. The Mummers Parade might be one of the oddest things to describe to someone unfamiliar to the tradition. I personally go in the parade as a wench since I have no musical talent what so ever. When I try and explain it or show my friends pictures of myself in a dress and face paint, well, they're not exactly sure what to think. Describing a wench suit gets me quite the interesting array of funny looks. The problem with the parade in my opinion is truly that people don't get it. They don't get why we dress in what we dress, why we do the strut, or go in the parade at all. My response to anyone who "doesn't get it" is that they have to EXPERIENCE the parade. Either go and watch it and feel the energy or hop in with a group and feel like a real celebrity for the day! It's not your average giant balloon, marching band, cheerleader, Macy's type parade. The Mummers Parade is one of the MOST UNIQUE parades on the planet and Philly needs to own it with more pride than it currently does. It is by far the most fun I have at any given time all year long. Outsiders might not get why we do it, but I do it for tradition, the love of the parade, and the way only the Mummers Parade can bring parts of my family together from across the country. Literally.

-Ed Kelleher, professional Mummer

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