Thursday, November 29, 2012

What is Mummers Life anyway?

Hello everybody!! Welcome to the new blog featuring everything Philadelphia Mummers related. I figured I would start off my first blog by introducing myself and exactly what Mummers Life really is. My name is Ed Kelleher and I am the founder of Mummers Life. What exactly is Mummers Life you might ask? Well, Mummers Life, is based on the mind set that the Philadelphia Mummers tradition need to carry throughout the entire year instead of just New Years Day. Mummers Life is a community built to unite mummers of all kinds, mummer enthusiasts, families, friends, neighbors, cities, states, and even the entire COUNTRY! As a community we can help promote Philadelphia's oldest tradition, build a larger audience, and spread the spirit of the Mummers WORLDWIDE. Yes, the parade only takes place in Philly but we can make it bigger! Mummers Life can make this happen. There is no reason why people should EVER ask "what's the mummers parade?" ever again!! I personally have no idea why one of the nation's oldest and possibly greatest traditions get swept under the carpet 364 days of the year. Let's be honest, even the city itself tries to deny its existence much of the year. We don't need prizes or money, all we need is a HUGE crowd every year as we strut our stuff and see those smiling face on Broad!! Mummers Life baby!!!! It's what we do, it's who we are, it's what we think about all year why shouldn't we let spread that passion to everyone around us?

-Ed Kelleher, professional mummer.

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