Thursday, February 28, 2013

1000 Fan Thank You Update

First of all, we want to thank every single one of you who have followed us and grown with us through our first 5 months of existence. Mummers Life was founded back in October, 2012 and we have already broken the 1000 fan barrier. We are truly honored to have every one of you in our corner supporting and and spreading the mummer spirit! We want to take a little time with this blog to reiterate and refresh the ideals that Mummers Life was founded upon. Mummers Life prides itself on being built on the many of the same foundational principles of the Parade.

1. Family: Here at Mummers Life, Family is #1. Personally, parade day means gathering with extended family members who we might not see all year long. It means strutting Broad by your cousins side and putting the biggest smile on you old man's face. It means sipping some good beverages, toasting to a happy new year, and a healthy limitless year to come. Parade day means flying in from thousands of miles away to see your family make the trek to City Hall no matter how cold Philadelphia is on January 1st. Parade day means being surrounded by thousands of your fellow brothers and sisters who make up every club.

2. Commitment: Mummers Life is extending this word to every fan we have. The tradition and commitment of the mummers does not have to end with just those in the parade. The mummers stay committed to the tradition year round by making suits, building props, playing gigs, running fundraisers, and going to weekly meetings. Why should it end with just those IN the parade?? That's where we come in. Mummers Life is committed to keeping the word, tradition, and spirit of the parade alive all year round and spreading it to those who might not be personally involved with a club. Commitment is having the flu until 4:30am New Years Eve, getting up at 7:30am and slinging on a dress and some golden slippers with tears in your eyes as you hit the home stretch for William Penn.

3. Friends: Mummers Life is all about making friends. What have we done in 5 months? We have made over 1,000 new friends and joined up with Mummers Against Cancer!!! Yes, we are all friends now. We want YOU to send us your pictures, send us your favorite mummer memory, tell us a story. Don't be shy! Your mummer friends want to read about it! We are unbelievably thankful for every friend we have made thus far and our expectations continue to rise.We are YOUR window to the parade outside of parade day. We want everyone to stay involved through our contests and posts. If more people would spread these posts, we can double our fan base easily. Show your commitment, show all of your friends what we do!

4. The Crowd: Mummers Life knows why we do what we all do. Yes, family and tradition tops the list. However, it's those butterflies that each and every one of us gets in our stomachs as we approach the judges stand. It's the smiles and joy that we all bring to the spectators lining the streets. It's posing for endless pictures, smearing some makeup, getting a New Years kiss, pumping your umbrella until it snaps into pieces. It's the roar of the crowd and the feeling we all get knowing that WE are why the crowd has shown up. Mummers Life wants to help build this crowd even more!! If every single fan we have can continue to spread our passion, we CAN increase our crowds.

5. Charity: Mummers Life wants to give proceeds gained from our gear sales to Mummers Against Cancer and the Mummers Museum. Anyone can go to our eBay page and purchase bracelets, and bumper stickers. We will be getting t-shirts shortly. Also, mark your calendars for April 27th at 8pm for Mummers Vs Cancer at Sugar House Casino. Mummers Life is teamed up with Mummers Against Cancer for their annual benefit for donations to the American Cancer society. Mummers Life wants to help in a big way, so please check out the eBay store and help us out!



-Ed K. 25 year old Mummer.
"I won't let this parade die before I do"